A highly rated comedy premiered in March of this year,
and - within a month of its release - reputedly the most watched Spanish film in Spain.
Saturday 17 January 2015
There will be Catalan food, drink , music and quizzes. Includes a glass of Cava on arrival.
Wednesday 18th February
Vamos a jugar! (a juegos no prohibidos). Come and play bingo, I-spy and other silly games, in Spanish, in the back room
at the King William IV pub, Hallgate, Cottingham. An ideal opportunity to use some simple Spanish in a relaxed setting with
a pint or a glass of wine to hand. (P.S.: The Spanish for bingo is …”bingo”.)
Tuesday 17th March 2015
Karla Ortega:
an illustrated talk on "The folk art of the Zapotec people: alebrijes, silk and mezcal". A not-to-be-missed opportunity to know
more about the Zapotec people of southern México (mainly Oaxaca), and their highly colourful folk art.
Saturday 18th April 2015
food of Sevilla: an evening of tapas sampling, organised by our member and expert cocinero Juan Manuel Horta. (Note: this is
not a full meal.)
Sunday 5th July 2015
"Domingo de Tapas"
This year's "Domingo de tapas" will be at the new 1884 Wine
and Tapas Bar, Freedom Quay, Wellington Street West, Hull.
The location - alongside the marina - is superb, and so is the