2017 - 2018



Thursday 19th October 2017
AGM, followed by an illustrated talk by Dr Brian Powell: "When an Englishman was King of Castile".


Thursday 16th November 2017
Virgin on the Edge: Luis Buñuel's El ángel exterminador. a talk by Dr Rob Miles (University of Hull)  
Wednesday 6 December 2017
Film Night The mysterious award-winning film El añgel exterminador (The exterminating angel) (1962) from an expert on the Spanish film director Luis Buñuel as discussed at the previous meeting.
Wednesday 17th January 2018
Vamos a jugar, a relaxed get-together in the King William IV (the Old Brewery Bar, at the back) on Hallgate in Cottingham.  Brian and Elizabeth will have a few not too taxing Spanish-related games and quizzes, and there will be the opportunity to brush up on your numbers in Spanish, by playing a little bingo.
Wednesday 7th February 2018
Ecuador: land of mega diversity, an illustrated talk by Santiago Bejarano (of the highly rated Think Galápagos travel company based in Bishop Burton).  It will be the first time that Ecuador has been covered in the Society's programme.  Santiago, who is from Ecuador, gave a talk on the Galápagos some years ago, and we look forward to welcoming him again.
Saturday 17th March 2018 
Annual Fiesta will celebrate the city of Valencia, its cuisine, and (in a small way) the world-renowned Fallas de San José fiesta. The Fallas culminates on 19th March (St Joseph's day).  Our event actually takes place on the day of another well-known saint, but it will have no connection with him whatever! (To find out more about the Fallas, "Google" fallas valencia.)


Wednesday 11th April 2018

 'The Return of the Galleons: 1898 and Spain's Loss of Empire.'

Professor Peter Beardsell, formerly head of Spanish at the University of Hull. This year marks 120 years since Spain lost the remaining parts of its empire, notably Cuba and the Philippines, when it was decisively defeated in the Spanish-American war of 1898.  The talk will put these events in their historical context and describe how this profound shock provoked national soul-searching, a cultural renaissance, and political instability, shaping Spain's course in the 20th century.


Tuesday 8th May 2018

Hispanic wine-tasting, conducted by Stephen Blackmore.  

Sunday 15th July 2018
Stapes style Sunday Lunch at Pig & Whistle Beverley.
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