2018 - 2019
Wednesday 10th October 2018
AGM, followed by an illustrated talk by Iris
and David Pennie "Discovering Aragón".
Thursday 8th November 2018
Jointly with Hull Dante Alighieri Society
A recital
by Italian pianist Graziana Presicce, at Cottingham Methodist Church, Hallgate, Cottingham. The programme will include
Spanish and Italian music. Tickets (light refreshments included) will be available at the door, with a special rate of £5 for
members of both societies.
Wednesday 28th November 2018
Freda Carlo An illustrated talk by Dr Rob Miles following her recent
exhibition at V & A London
Tuesday 22nd January 2019
Film Night A showing of the award-winning Argentinian
film "La historia oficial". (In Spanish, with English subtitles.) It's an emotionally absorbing account of an Argentinian
history teacher who discovers the truth about the country‘s ‘official history’ and her own ‘official story’.
Monday 18th February 2019
a jugar: a relaxed get-together in the King William IV (the Old Brewery Bar, at the back) on Hallgate in
Cottingham. Brian and Elizabeth will have a few not too taxing Spanish-related games and quizzes, and there will be the opportunity
to brush up on your numbers in Spanish, by playing a little bingo.
Saturday 9th March 2019
Our Annual Fiesta will celebratePortugal and its cuisine. As usual at HSLAS fiestas there will be quizzes to exercise the mind, and music.
9th April 2019
Islamic architecture in Spain an illustrated talk by Frances Smith. The cultural legacy of Islam in Spain is vividly
evidenced by wonderful buildings including not only the well-known examples in Andulucia, but also others further north such as the
Aljaferia in Zaragoza.
Tuesday 14th May 2019. Dr Brian Powell will give a talk on The Franco regime: the early
years - reminding us that the Spanish Civil War ended 80 years ago this year.
Sunday 30th June 2019,
Tapas Sunday
lunch, at the excellent Pig & Whistle, Sow Hill Road, Beverley. We need at least 20 participants to have the place
to ourselves. The menu (see below) is similar to the one that was greatly enjoyed last year, and the price is £24 for members,
£25 for non-members. This includes a glass of cava on arrival. (Wines, desserts and coffees are not included.)
menu is
Olives ;Spiced fried broad beans ;Pan con tomate
Galician-style octopus, with new potatoes and paprika ;Serrano Monroyo ham
(from Teruel province)
Asparagus with almonds and Manchego cheese
Chorizo cooked in cider
Garlic shell-on prawns
Hull Spanish & Latin American Society
Copyright (C) 2019 Hull Spanish & Latin American Society. All Rights Reserved
_____________ Flamenco in Spain _____________